ACI Russia -
The Financial Markets Association
The leading global trade association representing the interests of the professional wholesale financial markets community

1.1. Public Organization ACI Russia - The Financial Markets Association (ACI Russia), hereinafter referred to as the "Organization", is a membership-based voluntary, self-governing public association established on the initiative of a group of citizens who have united on the basis of common interests for the implementation of the purposes specified in this Charter. The Organization shall operate in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Public Associations", other legislative acts and this Charter.

1.2. The organization shall enjoy the rights and bear the obligations stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation for public associations. The organization shall operate without state registration and shall not be a legal entity.

1.3. The Organization's activities are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government and legality. Within the limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Organization is free to determine its internal structure, forms and methods of its activities.

1.4. The activity of the Organization is public, and information about its founding and program documents is publicly available.


2.1. Objectives of the Organization:
-to represent and protect the interests of specialists on the currency and money markets of the Russian Federation;
-to contribute to the development of mutual understanding in the professional environment and the resolution of crisis situations;
-to contribute to the educational and professional development of the members of the Organization.

2.2. To achieve the statutory objectives of the Organization in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation:
-to facilitate efficient and safe entry of Russian banks and other financial organizations into the world financial system, to ensure interaction and establishment of trust relations between Russian specialists in the currency and money markets and their foreign colleagues;
-provides for the improvement of the image and reputation of Russian financiers;
-conducts seminars, meetings and other events dedicated to the problems of the world currency market, national economy and banking system;
-initiates and participates in discussions on foreign exchange regulation and market ethics;
-organizes the exchange of experience in technological development of the Russian banking system;
-carries out other types of activities aimed at achieving statutory goals and not contradicting the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The organization cooperates with all interested enterprises, public and scientific organizations, legislative and executive authorities, foreign and international organizations and other legal entities and individuals.

2.3. In the interests of achieving the statutory goals and objectives, the Organization has the right under the current legislation of the Russian Federation:
-freely disseminate information about its activities;
-in accordance with the procedure established by law, to represent and protect their rights and legitimate interests as well as those of other citizens in bodies of state power, local self-government and public associations;
-to take initiatives on various issues of public life;
-submit proposals to bodies of state power;
-carry out any other activity not prohibited by the current legislation and aimed at achieving the statutory goals of the Organization.

2.4. The Organization is obliged to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law concerning the scope of its activities, as well as the norms stipulated in its constituent documents.

2.5. Association is affiliated with the international Association ACI - Financial Markets Association (ACI FMA), which unites national associations based on common values and professional ethical standards set forth in the Statutes of ACI FMA. The ACI Russia Statutes reflects the ACI FMA Statutes. ACI Russia is a financially independent organization separate from ACI FMA and conducts its business independently from ACI FMA, except for the organization of payment of annual membership fees.


3.1. Members of the organization may be citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have reached the age of 18 and share the goals of the organization, are ready to recognize the Charter of the organization, pay ACI FMA membership fees and take personal part in the work of the organization. Only persons who are employees of financial organizations, including credit organizations (banks), professional participants in the securities market, bidders and other licensed organizations associated with financial markets, professional service providers, including media and educational organizations, as well as, in exceptional cases, other persons who have actively worked in the financial market and have earned a reputation as professionals in the financial field can be accepted as members of ACI Russia.

3.2. Admission of citizens as members of the Organization is carried out on the basis of a personal application of an entering citizen.

3.3. Admission of members to the Organization is based on a personal application of the incoming citizen or an application via electronic means of communication (questionnaire on the website, email, social networks).

3.4. The Council keeps records of members of the Organization. Reasons for inclusion and exclusion from the list of members of the Organization are the corresponding decisions of the Council, as well as applications of the members of the Organization.

3.5. Members of the Organization shall have the right:
-receive information on activities of the Organization;
-receive information on the activities of the Organization; - participate in the activities of the Organization;
-elect (active members only) and be elected to the governing and supervisory bodies;
-to make proposals concerning the activities of the Organization, to participate in their discussion and implementation;
-to withdraw freely from the Organization upon application;
-benefit from the support, protection and assistance of the Organization.

3.6. Members of the Organization shall be obliged:
-participate in the activities of the Organization;
-pay ACI FMA membership fees in a timely manner;
-contribute to the work of the Organization;
-respect from any action (inaction) that may be detrimental to the work of the Organization;
-implement the decisions of elected bodies within their competence;
-comply with the Constitution of the Organization;
-not to commit any act violating the Constitution of the Organization and the ethics of friendly relations, or any act damaging the moral or material integrity of the Organization, and refrain from any activity contrary to the purposes and objectives proclaimed by the Organization.

3.7. Member of the Organization shall terminate its membership in the Organization by submitting an application to the Council of the Organization.

3.8. Member of the Organization shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the Organization upon submission of an application.

3.9. Members of the Organization may be expelled for violation of the present Charter of the Organization.

3.10. The decision on expulsion may be appealed to the Congress, whose decision on the said matter shall be final.

3.11. Members of the Organization may be issued with a membership card. The form of a certificate shall be approved by the Council.

3.12. Some Members of the Organization may be conferred the title of "Honorary Member" by decision of the Council or the Congress.


4.1. The highest governing body of the Organization is the Congress of the Organization (General Assembly), which shall be convened at least once a year. The Congress can be held in person or in absentia using electronic communication systems. An Extraordinary Congress may be convened at the request of at least 1/3 of its members or the Council. Members of the Organization shall be notified personally about the convocation of the Congress not later than 15 days before the date of the Congress.

4.2. The competence of the Organization shall include:
-approval of the Charter, introduction of additions and amendments to the Charter of the Organization;
-election of the Council members of the Organization in the amount determined by the Congress for the term of 2 (two) years;
-listening to and approval of the reports of the Council and the Auditor;
-adoption of the decision on reorganization and liquidation of the Organization;
-determining and approving the main activities of the Organization, deciding on other issues of the Organization proposed for consideration.

4.3. Decisions on approval of the Charter, amendments and supplements thereto, on reorganization and liquidation of the Organization shall be taken by a qualified majority (75%) of the votes of the members of the Organization present at the Congress. In other cases, decisions shall be taken by a simple majority vote of those present.

4.4. In the period between the Congresses, the permanent governing collegial body of the Organization shall be the Council. The Council shall be composed of members: The President, the Vice-President and the members of the Council. The President directs the work of the Council.

4.5. The Council of the Organization:
-elects the President and the Vice-president of the Organization from the members of the Council of the Organization for the term of 2 (two) years;
-admits and excludes from the membership of the Organization;
-maintains the lists of members of the Organization;
-exercises control over the implementation of the decisions of the Congress;
-prepares questions for discussion at the Congress of the Organization;
-makes decisions on creation of structural subdivisions of the Organization and approves Regulations on the basis of which structural subdivisions operate;
-makes decisions on participation and on forms of participation in activity of other public associations;
-establishes the amount (in rubles of Russia) and the procedure for making membership fees to ACI FMA;
-solves any other issues not related to the exclusive competence of the Congress of the Organization.

4.6. The Secretary (Executive Director) shall be elected from the members of the Council and shall be responsible for keeping minutes of Council meetings, collecting ACI membership fees and for liaison with ACI FMA offices. If necessary, the functions of Secretary (Executive Director) may be performed by any of the Board members.

4.7. The Council shall meet as necessary, face-to-face or via video link, but at least quarterly, and shall be deemed competent if more than 50% of the total number of Council members attend. The date of the Council meeting and the agenda of all Council members shall be notified personally to the Secretary of the Council. Decisions are taken by open voting by a simple majority of the Council members present at the meeting. Meetings of the Council are presided over by the President of the Organization and in his absence by the Vice-President or one of the Council members.

4.8. The President of the Organization:
-heads the activities of the Council of the Organization, signs the decisions adopted by the Council;
-during the period between the Council meetings, manages the activities of the Organization, including making operational decisions on issues related to the daily activities of the Organization;
-without power of attorney represents the Organization in relations with state, public, religious and other organizations in the Russian Federation and abroad;
-resolves other issues not referred to the competence of the Congress or Council.

4.9. The Vice-President heads the directions of work in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities approved by the Council. In the absence of the President, performs his functions. The decision to assign the duties of the President to the Vice-President is made by the President or the Council.

4.10. The President, Vice-President, members of the Council perform their duties free of charge.


5.1. The organization does not acquire property or conduct financial activities. The costs of carrying out the statutory activities and activities of the Organization shall be borne by the Members and/or sponsors.

5.2. Members shall not be responsible for the obligations of the Organization, nor shall the Organization be liable for the obligations of Members.

5.3.ACI Russia members the collection and payment of annual membership fees to ACI FMA. Members of the Organization are required to pay annual membership fees in the amounts and within the time limits set by this Association in accordance with the procedure established By the Congress and the Council of ACI Russia.


6.1. The activities of the Organization shall be terminated through its reorganization (mergers, acquisition, etc.) or liquidation. Restructuring of the Organization shall be carried out upon the decision of the Congress by a qualified (75%) majority of votes of those present. Liquidation of the Organization shall be carried out in accordance with this Charter as well as by court decision.
Approved by the Founding Congress
April 28, 2004, Moscow, Russia,
Amended by decision of the General Meeting
18 August 2008, Moscow
Amended by decision of the General Meeting
17 August 2020, Moscow
Amended by decision of the General Meeting
27 May 2024, Moscow

of the public organization